
Tuesday 5 December


5:30pm - 7:30pm

Welcome to Country and Welcome Reception
The Lucky Squire, 3 Oracle Blvd, Broadbeach

Wednesday 6 December


8:30am - 9:00am

Conference Opening


9:00am - 10:00am

Plenary Session
Resilience and Change: Bringing Archaeology into Conversation with Climate Change Response
Professor Lesley Head
, The University of Melbourne


10:00am - 10:30am | Morning Tea


10:30am - 12:30pm

Research Advances and Future Directions in Australian Stone Artefact Studies

Room 5

Lithic Raw Material Procurement Strategies of Early Humans in the Kalahari Desert, South Africa

Bharti Jangra, Griffith University

Getting to the Source: A New Approach to Using Provenancing to Explore People’s Strategies of Stone Tool Making in the Deep Past at Pamwak Rockshelter, Papua New Guinea

Caroline Spry, La Trobe University

Continuity and Change in Lithic Material as Seen in Two Sites in the Blue Mountains, NSW

Emily Nutman, The Australian National University

Quantitative Surface Analysis of Ground Stone Artefacts: A Comparison of Museum and Quarry Assemblages

Kieran McGee,  The University of Sydney

The Life Span of Ground Stone Tools: A Demographic Analogy

Colin Pardoe, Colin Pardoe Bio-Anthropology & Archaeology


Resilience in the Face of Alternative Ways of Knowing

Room 6
Changing Heritage Legislation in Australia: Opportunities and Threats for Archaeological Heritage and Communities of Practice

Joe Dortch, Dortch Cuthbert

The Significance of Absence and the Importance of Right People for Country: The Point Lookout Story

Annie Ross, The University of Queensland

Sentient Stones and Agentive Landscapes: The Implications of an Indigenous Approach to the Gummingurru Cultural Landscape in Meeting Development Impacts

Jaydeyn Thomas, The University of Queensland

New Guinea II Cave: 3D Mapping to Tell the Stories of the Buried Archaeology and Ceiling Finger Flutings in a Deep, Dark Cave in GunaiKurnai Country

Bruno David, Monash University

Interactive Digital 3D Site Models at the Service of Culture and Community: GunaiKurnai Methods and Interpretations of the Archaeology of Cloggs Cave, East Gippsland, Victoria

Joanna Fresløv, GunaiKurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation

Warratyi Rockshelter: Braiding Knowledge on Adnyamathanha Country

Claire Smith, Flinders University

Change and Resilience in
South West Queensland

Room 7

A Partnership, in Every Sense of the Word: An Indigenous Perspective to Community-Led Archaeology in the Channel Country, Southwest Queensland

Shawnee Gorringe, Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation

Resilience in a Boom-and-Bust Environment: Late Holocene Environments of the Channel Country of Southwest Queensland and Relationships with Mithaka Subsistence Strategies

Patrick Moss, The University of Queensland

Plant Food Systems in Queensland’s Channel Country: Building an Archaeobotanical Framework to Investigate Food Production in Aboriginal Australia

Makayla Harding, The University of Queensland

Analysis of the Genomics of Mithaka Wild Plant Populations to Guide Improved Understanding of Past Human Use and Future Potential

Robert Henry, The University of Queensland

Taphonomic and Histological Investigations of a Reported Massacre Site on Mithaka Country

Joshua Gorringe, Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation


Dynamic Animal-People Encounters of the Past, Present and Future
Room 8
Prioritising Vulnerable Sites: Results of the First Research-Focused Excavations in Coastal Southern Gippsland for 40 Years

Ashleigh Rogers, Monash University

3000 Years of Oyster Fisheries: A View from Southeast Queensland, Australia

Tam Smith, The University of Queensland

Morphometric Analysis of Top Shell (Rochia nilotica): Investigating People-Reef Interactions, Jiigurru, Northern Great Barrier Reef

Cailey Maclaurin, ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage

Living Off the Reef: Investigating Holocene People-Mollusc Engagement on Jiigurru

Michael Kneppers, James Cook University

Deep Time Indigenous Marine Fisheries of Jiigurru, Northern Great Barrier Reef

Ariana Lambrides, James Cook University

Re-Telling Tales of Fat-Tailed Macropods: A Stylistic and Spatial Analysis in the Pilbara

Shiqin He, The University of Western Australia


12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch & AA Journal Editorial Committee Meeting


1:30pm - 3:30pm

Research Advances and Future Directions in Australian Stone Artefact Studies

Room 5

Investigating Hafting and Composite Tool Repair as Factors Creating Variability in Backed Artefacts: Evidence from Ngungara, South East Australia

Amy Way, The University of Sydney / Australian Museum

Heat Shattered Artefact Stone as an Under Explored Data Set: Change in Heat Shattering Across Country and Through Time on the Cumberland Plain, Western Sydney

Beth White, Beth White Archaeology

Identifying Traces of the Novice Knapper in the Archaeological Record

Aidan Hughes, Griffith University

Lithic Ritual Journeys in Torres Strait

Joshua Willsher, The Australian National University

More Than Just Rocks in Boxes: The Continuation of the Widi People’s Stone Tool Making Culture Through Post-Mitigation Analysis and Practical Workshops in a Cultural Heritage Perspective

Antonino Tucci, Turnstone Archaeology


Archaeology as Environmental History

Room 6

The Value of Archaeology for Addressing Wicked Problems

Susan Lawrence, La Trobe University

Using Owl Roost Deposits to Understand Recent Ecological Change and Resilience on Channel Country in Southwest Queensland

Jessica Gibbs, The University of Queensland

A Good Pub Feed: Towards an Archaeology of Post-1788 Meat Consumption in Queensland

Marc Cheeseman, The University of Queensland

Aboriginal and European Upland Wetlands in Southeast Australia: 20,000 Years of Use

Wendy Beck, University of New England

DISCUSSION (40 mins)

Change and Resilience in
South West Queensland

Room 7
Diving into the Desert: A Pilot Study Mapping Sophisticated Indigenous Water Management Infrastructure and Practices on Mithaka Channel Country, QLD/SA Using Wetland Archaeology Methods

Ania Kotarba, University of Adelaide

Ula Thirra: Geomagnetic Mapping of Combustion Features on the Mithaka Landscape – Recent Outcomes and Interpretations

Kelsey Lowe, The University of Queensland

Exploring Exchange Through Stone Sourcing Studies in SW Queensland

Michelle Richards, La Trobe University

Learning From The Great Teacher: Stone Material Extraction and Implement Manufacture at Nurrenderri, South West Queensland

Doug Williams, Access Archaeology

Megasites and Villages: Rethinking the Methodological Approach to Investigate Mithaka Country

Michael Westaway, The University of Queensland


Community Led Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management
Room 8
The Gulamada Project: Walking Side by Side – A Nexis of Science and Culture

Wayne Brennan, The University of Sydney

The Mornington Peninsula Cultural Heritage Fieldschool: A Collaborative On-Country Teaching Initiative Connecting Research, Cultural Values, and Professional Heritage Practices

Steven Pepper, Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

The Impact of Cultural Heritage Management Plans on Archaeological Knowledge Within Eastern Maar Nation, Victoria

Nathalia Guimaraes, Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation

‘That’s Old Barunga House’: Experiences of Early Government Housing in an Aboriginal Community in a Remote Area

Elspbeth Hodgins, Flinders University

Managing Harm Mitigation and Loss of Aboriginal Places in Naarm (Port Phillip Bay): The Story of a Fish Trap in Bunurong Country

Renee McAlister, Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Ganumi Bara (Keppel Islands): Episode 45 – The Master Plan

Mike Rowland, James Cook University



3:30pm - 5:00pm

Afternoon Tea & Careers Event


5:30pm - 6:30pm

Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists (AACAI) Annual General Meeting


6:30pm - 9:30pm

Rainbow Dinner

Thursday 7 December


9:00am - 10:00am

Plenary Session
Healthy Country: Re-Writing the Book on Australia
Professor Michael-Shawn Fletcher
, Wiradjuri / The University of Melbourne


10:00am - 10:30am | Morning Tea


10:30am - 12:30pm

Resilience in Changing Environments:
A Zooarchaeological Perspective to
People’s Response to Change

Room 5

Mirr-i taur-nhuk weeagoon (To See Our Belonging to Living Things): Resilience in an Ever-Changing Environment: A Look at the Kinship Connection Between First Nations People, Dingoes and Country

Kelly Ann Blake, La Trobe University

Coastal Adaptations in Southeastern Australia: Insights from the Late Holocene Zooarchaeology of Curracurrang 1 Rockshelter

Jane Balme, The University of Western Australia

The Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK): Ngarrwa mooroon-iyu wunggurrwil-wa kinkinbil, weeagoon baap Dja (in Understanding Nature and the Strength of People, Animals, and Country)

Jillian Garvey, La Trobe University

Change and Resilience in the Kimberley Over Millennia: Revisiting the Fauna from Widgingarri 1 Through Biomolecular Studies

Sofia Samper Carro, The Australian National University

Ancestral Connections: Neanderthal Resilience as a Proxy for Understanding First Nations Communities’ Adaptability to Environmental Change

Eboni Westbury, The Australian National University / Black Wattle Archaeology


Changing Pasts, Changing Futures

Room 6
Introduction to Changing Pasts, Changing Futures

Emily Miller, Griffith University

Excavation Art and the Image of Archaeology

Ursula Frederick, University of Canberra

‘”Unproof is the Ground of Action”: An Archaeology of Possibilities

Catherine Frieman, The Australian National University

Time, Essentialism, and Archaeological Interpretation

Martin Porr, The University of Western Australia

Decolonising Archaeobotany? How the Tropics Can Help Us Reconsider Our Frames of Interpretations

Emilie Dotte-Sarout, The University of Western Australia

Before We Dive In: Characterising the Archaeological Potential of Bunurong Sea Country

Kristen Ellis, La Trobe University

Exploring Far North Sahul’s Past
of 50,000 Years of Change
and Resilience

Room 7
Marine Shell from Walufeni Cave: Implications for Late Holocene Socio-Cultural Interaction on the Great Papuan Plateau, Papua New Guinea

Bryce Barker, University of Southern Queensland

Microbotanical Insights into Palaeoenvironmental and Economic Change at Walufeni Cave, Western Papua New Guinea

Alison Crowther, The University of Queensland

The First Faunal Record from the Great Papuan Plateau

Tiina Manne, The University of Queensland

Frontier Interaction with Resident Papuan Populations Influenced Early Lapita Dispersals in New Guinea and Beyond

Ben Shaw, The Australian National University

Resilient Responses to Changing Environments and Cultural Associations on the PNG South Coast

Robert Skelly, Monash University

Change and Resilience in the Rock Art of Papua New Guinea

Roxanne Tsang, University of Papua New Guinea / Griffith University


Desert People and Resilience
Room 8
Humanity’s Origin and Global Spread: A Story of Fragility and Resilience

Michael Petraglia, Griffith University

Desert People: An Outline of Integrated Research Across the North-West Arid Zone

Peter Veth, The University of Western Australia

Sample Size and Foraging Behaviour: A Case Study on Bandicoots and Bilbies from Boodie Cave, Barrow Island

Erin Mein, Flinders University

The Resilient Connection Between Plants and People: A Deep-Time Anthracological Analysis from Yirra Rockshelter, North WA

Chae Byrne, The University of Western Australia
Sam Harper, The University of Western Australia

Rethinking the Dry Last Glacial Maximum in Southern Central Australia and the Implications for People

Tim Cohen, University of Wollongong



12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch & The Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Rock Art Australia (NSCRAA) Meeting


1:30pm - 3:30pm

Both Sides of the Timor Trough: Change and Resilience in Island and Coastal Communities

Room 5
Rapid Dispersal of People into the Southern Wallacean Islands, After 50,000 Years Ago

Shimona Kealy, The Australian National University

Evidence of Pleistocene Occupation Record for Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia

Hendri Kaharudin, The Australian National University

Technological Transitions in Lithic Technology in South Sulawesi: What Can We Learn from 100,000 Years of Change and Continuity?

Yinika Perston, Griffith University

Archaeological Discoveries in North-Central Timor-Leste Indicate Socio-Cultural Adaptations to Landscape Change During the Holocene

Sally Brockwell, The Australian National University

Stone Tools in the Highlands of Timor-Leste: An Analysis of a Holocene Lithic Assemblage from Fatu Aki Anik Knua Cave, Cribbas

Nathan Crockford, The Australian National University

Palaeolandscapes and the Archaeological Implications of Changing Landscapes and Seascapes in the Torres Strait

Georgina Skelly, James Cook University

Changing Pasts, Changing Futures
Room 6

Reflecting on a Heritage Archive: Wardaman Elders’ Impact in Rock Art Research in the 1980s and 1990s

Madeleine Kelly, Monash University

Preliminary Results on the Study of the Archaeology of Sacred Women’s Business in the Central Queensland Ranges

Colin McLennan, Griffith University

Keeping up with the Joneses: Three Historical Examples of Population Change and Social Resilience Among the Bandjalang

Eleanor Crosby, Griffith University

Reflecting on New Materialist Archaeological Contributions to Institutional Heritage Sites

Caitlin D’Gluyas, University of New England

The History of Indigenous Involvement in Australian Archaeology from 1830 Onwards: A Progress Report

Matthew Spriggs, The Australian National University


Detecting Change and Promoting Resilience: The Benefits and Disadvantages of a Digital Approach
Room 7
The Burnett River Petroglyphs: Part 2

Dylan Sarra, Sarra Art

Using Google Earth to Map Climate Change Threats to Burials in the Pacific

Adriana Basiaco, The University of Queensland

Chiaroscuro Photogrammetry: Revolutionising 3D Modeling in Low Light Conditions for Better Detection at Archaeological Sites

Andrea Jalandoni, Griffith University

The Central Murray-Fans Predictive Model: Application of GIS to Establish Archaeological Patterns

Madelaine Firth, Austral Archaeology

Constructing a Virtual Authenticity: Virtual Repatriation of West Arnhem Land Bark Paintings

Calum Farrar, Griffith University

High Resolution Geomorphological Analysis for Archaeology: A Case Study from the UNESCO Listed Budj Bim Cultural Landscape, Victoria

Brian Armstrong, The University of Melbourne

Desert People and Resilience
Room 8
An Optical Dating Framework for Lake Level Histories and Landscape Change in the Semi-Arid Willandra Lakes Region: A Comparison from Lakes Mungo and Outer Arumpo

Nathan Jankowski, University of Wollongong

The History of Land Use and Occupancy at Lake Mungo

Nicola Stern, La Trobe University

Shell Midden Test Excavations at Withnell Bay PADs 5 and 6, Murujuga National Park, Western Australia

Elise Matheson, Scarp Archaeology

Ephemeral Water Sources and Resilience: A Case Study from Puutu Kunti Kurrama Country, Western Australia

Hamish MacGregor, Big Island Research

From the Desert to the Sea: A Two-Way Interdisciplinary and Intergenerational Project to Understand Rock Art and Jukurr in the Australian Arid Zone

Jo McDonald, The University of Western Australia



3:30pm - 4:00pm | Afternoon Tea


4:00pm - 5:00pm

Both Sides of the Timor Trough: Change and Resilience in Island and Coastal Communities

Room 5
Terminal Pleistocene Changes in the Archaeology and Rock Art of Southern Wallacea and Northern Australia

Sue O’Connor, The Australian National University

The Missing Moluccans: Indigenous Voyaging, Rock Art and Cultural Exchange

Paul Taçon, Griffith University

Globalisation and Long-Term Contact History in Arnhem Land: Unveiling the Fugitive Links Between Island South East Asia and Northern Australia

Daryl Wesley, Flinders University

Marking Resilience: Rock Art as Enduring, Responsive and Agentic Signalling
Room 6
Environmental Revolution and Rock Art Resilience: Rock Art of the Marine Transgression at Murujuga (Dampier Archipelago), Western Australia

Victoria Anderson, The University of Western Australia

Contextualising Rock Art: The Resilience of Symbolic Behaviour in Managing a Changing Landscape

Lucia Clayton, Big Island Research

Resilience of Eurocentrism: Finger Flutings and Australian Indigenous Culture

Keryn Walshe, University of Auckland

Detecting Change and Promoting Resilience: The Benefits and Disadvantages of a Digital Approach
Room 7
Data Resilience: Future Proofing Digital Approaches

Emma Beckett, The University of Western Australia

Using Computational Archaeology to Create Interpretive Site Prediction Models

Andrew Prentice, Griffith University


Fire, Flood and Mud:
Challenges for Heritage Management and Fieldwork in the Australian Climate Era

Room 8
Heritage Endangered: Safeguarding and Defending Cultural Heritage Amidst the Turbulent Forces of a Shifting Climate

Matthew McNaughton, AECOM Australia Pty Ltd

Osteoarchaeology, Cemeteries, and Unexpected Finds: Challenges the Evolving Australian Climate Poses to the Management and Archaeology of Historical and Indigenous Human Remains

Rebecca Hibberd, AECOM Australia Pty Ltd

Windankooroo: The Life and Death of a Boab Tree

Kyra Edwards, Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation


5:30pm - 7:00pm

Australian Archaeological Association Annual General Meeting

Friday 8 December


9:00am - 10:00am

Australian Indigenous Archaeologists Association (AIAA) Panel Discussion –
The Way Forward a Time to Listen: State of the Environment & Heritage Reform
Panellists: Dave Johnston, Australian National University, Dr Galiina (Kal) Ellwood, AIAA, Mark Grist, Grist Archaeology, Nathan Woolford, Flinders University, Dr Matilda House, National NAIDOC Elder of the Year 2023, Ngambri/Ngunnawal and Jo Thomson, The University of Western Australia
Moderator: Ken Hayward, Edith Cowan University


10:00am - 10:30am | Morning Tea


10:30am - 12:30pm

Western Australia’s Revolving Door of Legislative Change: An Illustrative Case
in Adaptation and Resilience
Room 5

The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 (WA): A Case Study in Competing Community Values

Philip Davies, Yindjibarndi Nation

Managing Puuti Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Heritage in a Changing Legislative Framework: Traditional Owner-Led Protocols and Agreement-Making as the Key to Success

Cat Morgan, PKKP Aboriginal Corporation

Both the Jounrey and the Destination

Kathryn Przywolnik, Wintawari Guruma Aboriginal Corporation

Achieving Good Practice Heritage Management in the Revolving Door of WA’s Legislative Change

Annabelle Davis, Oasis Heritage Solutions

United We Stand: A Collaborative Approach to Engagement and Advocacy by Heritage Professional Bodies in Western Australia

JJ McDermott, Echoes Cultural Heritage Management

The Failure of the Experiment: State-Based Heritage Legislation and the Case for National Reform

Luke Kirkwood, EMM Consulting Pty Ltd

Cultural Plants: Value, Understanding,
and Connectivity Within Landscapes
Room 6

People-Plant Interactions in the Rock Art of Balanggarra Country, East Kimberley: A Relational Approach

Emily Grey, The University of Western Australia

What’s Missing? Identifying the Ecological Gaps in Modern Landscapes

Fiona McConachie, Flotation Energy

Ring Trees: Creating a Typology for Recording to Prevent Loss

Hannah Morris, Extent Heritage

Plant Utilisation and Environmental Adaptation of Hoabinhian Human During the Late Pleistocene at the Hoabinhian Rockshelter Site of Xiaodong Rockshelter, Southwestern China

Qing Yang, Yunnan University

Mapping the Intersection Between Heritage and Biocultural Knowledge on Bunurong Country

David Tutchener, Deakin University / GHD


Scientific Approaches to Investigating Change and Resilience: The ARCAS Network Session
Room 7
Investigating Changing Vegetation Dynamics and Plant-Use in the Willandra Lakes Region (55,000 Years to Present) Using Phytoliths: Preliminary Results

Molly Turnbull, University of Wollongong

Proteomics of Novel Materials in Archaeology

Shevan Wilkin, University of Zurich

TEK – TECH – TICK: Indigenous Knowledge Underpinning Western Medicine to Create Deadly Differences for Community

Birgitta Stephenson, In the Groove Analysis Pty Ltd

Building Water Resilience in Ancient Italy: A Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of the Construction Materials Used in the Water Infrastructure of Ancient Signia

Rory McLennan, The University of Queensland

Innovations in GNSS Mapping for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Peter Terrett, 4D Global Pty Ltd

What Can Layered Rock Coatings Tell Us About Environmental Change in Kimberley Rock Art Shelters?

Helen Green, The University of Melbourne

Rock Art Conservation and Management: Reframing the Narrative Through Resilience
Room 8

Panel Discussion – Managing People and Place: Public Visitation of Rock Art and Cultural Places (60 mins)

Conservation and Management of Rock Art in the Greater Gariwerd Region and Wotjobaluk Country

Darren Griffin, Barengi Gadjin Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation’s Perspective on Rock Art Management and Country Conservation Strategies

Billy Briggs, Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation

Issues Faced by Gunditj Mirring Protecting Rock Art and Cultural Sites on Mirring

Billy Bell , Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corp

Change and Resilience in Archaeology Teaching and Learning

Room 9
Building the Skills of the Next Generation of Practitioners: The Australian Archaeological Skills Passport Feedback and Review

Melissa Marshall, University of Notre Dame Australia

An Experiment in Experimental Archaeology: Changing First Year Teaching Methods

Jenna Walsh, Flinders University

Change and Continuity in Teaching Archaeology in the Australian Curriculum, 2010 to 2023

Louise Zarmati, University of Tasmania

Approaching Challenges in Teaching Archaeology in the Primary and Secondary Classroom

Georgia Williams, Everick Foundation

Learning Australian Deep Time: A Victorian Case Study from Foundation to Tertiary Learners

Georgia Stannard, La Trobe University



12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch & National Archaeology Week Meeting


1:30pm - 3:30pm

Beyond Earth:
The Heritage of Sky and Space

Room 5
‘Crying for the Moon’: Lunar Heritage Management in the Era of Mercantile Space Development

Alice Gorman, Flinders University

The “Modern Artefact”: Heritage Objects and Sites in Space – The Case of Australis Oscar V

Jessica Pearson, Flinders University

Mining the Stars: Exploring the Limitations of the WA ACHA 2021 Through a Novel Lens

Vanessa Chapman, Trace Archaeology

Archaeoastronomy and Solar Eclipses

Amanda Goldfarb, The University of Melbourne / Jacobs

Panel Discussion
(40 mins)

Change and Resilience:
The Changing Face of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management in Government

Room 6

Treaties, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management

Jamin Moon, First Peoples – State Relations Victoria

Godwin Beach Environmental Reserve, Southeast Queensland: Protection of a Coastal Midden in the Face of Environmental and Human Change

Natalie Franklin, Moreton Bay Regional Council

The Rapid Emergence of Offshore Renewables Along the Victorian Coast: Impacts for Cultural Heritage Management and Engagement with Victorian Traditional Owners

Emma Rae, First Peoples – State Relations Victoria

Howard Creek Aboriginal Campsite (Sub-Coastal Moreton Region, SE QLD): A Story of Multifaceted Lifeways in the Late Holocene Discovered During a Road Upgrade

Irina Ponomareva, Griffith University

Victoria’s Strategic Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Program: Driving Important Changes in Strategic Planning Behaviour

Ilya Berelov, First Peoples – State Relations Victoria


Change and Resilience in Biological Anthropology: Australia and Beyond
Room 7
Our Ancestors Will Never Stop Speaking to Us, Question is How Equipped are We in Replying to Them?

Mark Grist, Grist Archaeology

Bringing the Ancestors Home

Rodney Carter, Dja Dja Wurrung Aboriginal Corporation

Understanding Sedentism and Mobility in Mithaka Country Through the Application of Sr Isotopes

Fletcher Hood Withey, The University of Queensland

Utilising Strontium Isotope Mapping to Reconstruct Prehistoric Human Mobility: A New Prehistory of Motupore, an Island on the South Papuan Coast, Papua New Guinea

Jason Kariwiga, The University of Queensland

Time’s Scales: Working with Time at Roonka

Judith Littleton, University of Auckland

Community Engaged Bioarchaeology in the Channel Country of Far Western Queensland

Christopher van der Westhuizen, The University of Queensland

Rock Art Conservation and Management: Reframing the Narrative Through Resilience
Room 8

Restoring Victoria’s Rock Art: Collaborative Conservation Efforts and Challenges in Cultural Landscape Management

Wendy Luke, Parks Victoria

Building Capacity of Bininj and Munggay to Remove Graffiti in Kakadu

Bernadette Calma, Kakadu National Park

Panel Discussion – Public Yarning Session (60 mins)

Change and Resilience in Archaeology Teaching
and Learning

Room 9
Panel Discussion: Change and Resilience in Archaeology Teaching and Learning

Kellie Pollard, Charles Darwin University

Louise Zarmati, University of Tasmania

Serena Love, Everick Foundation

Claire Smith, Flinders University

Georgia Williams, Everick Foundation


3:30pm - 4:30pm | Afternoon Tea & Poster Session


7:00pm - 11:00pm

Conference Dinner and Awards Ceremony